Fallout 4 Slot Machine Customer Profiling

  1. Fallout 4 Slot Machine Customer Profiling Against
  2. Fallout 4 Slot Machine
  3. Fallout 4 Slot Machine Customer Profiling Tool

Indentured Servitude and Customer Profiling will generate caps for you, with Profiling trading some of the extra caps Servitude gains for some happiness generation. You're actually better off building casinos instead of stores now, as these won't even cost caps to build!



4: Junktown

One Week Later

After entering through the main gate, and a brief talk with Junnktown's local law enforcement, Kim and Ron were now standing in the center of town. As Ron looked at everything around him, Ron could only think one thing at that moment. 'At least they got the name right.'

What Ron saw before him was far from what he had seen in Shady Sands or in the ruins of Vault 15. Even though the evening sun was beginning to set, he could still clearly see the entire city looked like it had been constructed from what had been left of an old junkyard. Every single one of the buildings from the residential homes, places of business, and everything else in the town were composed of sheet metal, plywood, and other various sized pieces of scrap. The protective wall that surrounded Junktown were pieces of cars and other large pieces of junk that had been stacked with some sort of concrete or adobe holding it all together. He could even swear some of these buildings were even using various old car parts to keep the structures intact. Ron tried to remain hopeful, but the chances of this place having a water chip were most likely slim to none.

'This is it?' he asked her.

'Don't knock it, Ron. It's a pretty nice place. Well, besides Gizmo.' Kim said.

'Who's Gizmo?'

'A fat slime ball. He runs a casino at the far end of Junktown. He also has ties with some of the criminals in the Hub.' Kim said to him as they walked through Junktown.

'So where does your dad's friend live?' Ron asked.

'That's what I was asking. It turns out he owns a bar at the far side of town now. The only problem is that it's right next to Gizmo's casino and I'm not heading over there.' She said.

'Why not?' Ron asked.

'Let's just say that I'm not one of his favorites.' Kim said.

'Let me guess. You interfered with one of his business deals?'

'Sort of. And I'll leave it at that.' Kim said as they stopped by a guard. The guard had brown hair that was thinning on his head, with a thick mustache that grew on his upper lip to hide the scar that was on his face. His arms were thick and covered with various scars as he let his gloved right hand rest on the holstered weapon at his side. He wore a very worn and used piece of body armor that covered his chest with most of the dark yellow and green paint faded and scratched away.

'Nice to see you again, Lars.' Kim said to him with a smile.

'Long time no see, Kim. Who's your friend?' he asked and nodded toward Ron.

'He's from the North-west. I'm making sure he doesn't get himself killed.' Kim said with a smirk as Lars took a good look at Ron.

'Is he from the circus or something?' Lars asked.

'What makes you say that?' Ron asked.

'That outfit you're wearing. The last time I saw someone wearing something that flashy was a twenty cap hooker.' Lars said, aggravating Ron in the process.

'A hooker?!'

'How are things in town?' Kim quickly asked, wanting to avoid a fight.

'Things have gotten real tense between Gizmo and Killian. Rumor is that the lard butt is actually putting a bounty on his head. Goes to show you that it ain't easy to be the Sheriff here.' Lars said.

'Speaking of Killian, is his shop open?'

'He just closed it. But he did just unload a brand new shipment of supplies from a caravan two or three days ago. So you can try him tomorrow.'

'Thanks, Lars.'

'And tell your buddy to keep his piece holstered.'

'I remember the law, Lars.' Kim said as the guard walked off.

'That guy said I looked like a freaking hooker!' Ron said, still angry at the fact his clothes were insulted.

'I told you that you stick out like a sore thumb in that outfit. Does everyone in your Vault wear something like that?' Kim asked him.

'Of course.'

'Oh.' Kim said, not expecting that answer. 'How about we get a room and get some rest before we head to Killian's store. That way you can try on those pants and jacket I found at that abandoned Vault.' Kim said as she started to lead him toward a large building that had a sign with the words 'The Crash House' written on it.

As soon as they opened the door, Ron was assaulted with the mild smell of body odor as the young woman behind the counter looked up. Ron noticed how one arm reached underneath the large desk she sat behind as Kim and Ron approached her. Given what Kim had told him about the wasteland in general and what he had already seen, Ron was almost a sure that the woman was reaching for a gun in case a customer or two came into her establishment looking for trouble.

'Do you have any rooms vacant?' Kim asked her.

'Maybe. You're not with the Skullz, are you?' the young woman asked.

'No. Who're the skulls?' Ron asked her.

'Skullz, Ron. Gizmo's muscle in town.' Kim said to him.

'And they all hang out in the adjoining building in the back getting wasted. If you were one of them, I would have kicked you out of here so fast that you're head would spin.' The woman said as she opened her book.

'There are just so many nice people around here.' Ron said sarcastically.

'Twenty-six caps for the day, One twenty for the week.' The woman said.

'One-hundred and twenty caps for a week?!' Kim asked, shocked to hear the price.

'Gizmo wants more protection money. I've got to find a way to cover costs.' The woman said.

'Fine. We'll take a room for one day.' Kim said as she removed several rusted old bottle caps from her pouch and gave them to the woman.

'Room One. It's behind you and to the right.' She said, pointing to one of the ramshackle doors.

'Thanks.' Kim said as she took the key from the girl and headed for the door.

The room itself was actually quite large, despite what it was made out of. There were two windows that were closed with a basic pair of wooden shades along with a decent queen size bed, a small writing desk, a make-shift ceiling fan on the ceiling, and an old and very rusted out locker in the corner. Kim quickly opened the locker and checked the inside, but found that it was empty. Kim checked out the rest of the room as Ron sat on the bed and sighed as he allowed himself to relax.

'What I wouldn't give for the air conditioner back at the Vault. How do you stand the heat?' Ron asked her.

'Traveling the wasteland, you get used to it.' Kim said as she set her pistol and ammo on the desk and stretched her muscles. 'First thing tomorrow, we'll head to Killian's store and see if he knows anything about a water chip and restock on supplies.' Kim said as she shed her jacket and removed her boots.

'Sounds good to me. I feel like I could sleep for days.' Ron said as allowed himself to lay on the bed and propped his head on the pillow. He was actually surprised at how soft the mattress and pillow were. It wasn't like anything they had back at the Vault, but it was better than camping out in the dessert. Especially the pillow. It was a welcome comfort and gift after having to use his arm as a pillow or a small rock when they camped out. Ron let a wide yawn finally escape as he looked up and noticed that Kim had removed her pants and was now standing in only her panties as she removed her shirt with her back turned to him.

'KP, what are you doing?' Ron asked, slightly nervous.

'Don't get any bright ideas, Ron.' Kim said as she removed her shirt and used her right arm to cover her breasts as she turned around. 'It's a bitch wearing all that crap to bed and I want to get a good night's sleep. So keep your hands to yourself, or I'll shove your nose into the back of your head.' Kim said.

'I wouldn't do anything like that!' Ron said as he turned onto his side so she could crawl into the bed without him looking at her uncovered breasts.

'I've heard that before.' She said as she pulled the blanket back, crawled into the bed, and covered herself up. 'You're going to sleep in that?' Kim asked.

'It's comfortable.' Ron lied, not wanting to reveal the reaction his body was having at seeing his new found friend almost completely nude. 'And I don't have anything else to sleep in.'

'Ron, I promise not to look if you want to get more comfortable.' Kim said to him.

'I'm not sure.'

'Would you quit being such a baby, Ron?' Kim said.

'All right. But no peeking!' Ron said.

'I promise.' Kim said and turned away.

Ron stood up for a brief moment and began shedding the body suit he had been wearing since leaving his home. He did have to admit that he felt better as the air began to cool his bare skin. He didn't realize how form fitting the suit had been until he began traveling through the wastelands. As he folded the suit and placed it over a chair, he heard Kim let out a wolf whistle in his direction.

'You said you wouldn't peek!' Ron protested as he spun toward Kim who was lying in the bed with her back toward him. She then turned and faced him, keeping a hand on the covers so she wouldn't expose herself to him. 'I didn't. Until now at least.' Kim said with a smirk as she looked at a completely naked Ronald Stoppable. Realizing he had been tricked, Ron began to blush deeply and quickly used his hands to cover his exposed private parts. 'Looks like you've got nothing to be ashamed about.' Kim said as she snickered at Ron's embarrassment.

'So not cool.' Ron said as he tried to use one hand to keep himself covered and the other to throw back the covers so he could climb back into bed.

'Night, Ron.' Kim said as soon as he was covered up.

'Night, KP.' Ron said as he yawned again.

His eyes were now getting heavy on him so fast that as soon as he blinked, he was soon asleep before he even realized it. In his dreams, he kept having visions of giant Rad Scorpions and the two headed cattle he had been running into. Soon, scenes from all the movies he had watched in Vault growing up were flashing before him. There were monsters and zombies moaning and reaching for him with dead eyes. He could see horrible creatures and insects crawling through the waste and all trying to hurt him. And the whole time, he kept hearing the voice of the man who sent him out here. How everyone in the Vault was relying on him over and over again.

Ron opened his eyes from the dream and took a deep breath to try and calm himself. He sat up in the bed and tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes and come to terms with what his mind had just done to him. He tried not to let it affect him as he went about this quest, but it kept feeling more and more like a lead weight inside of his stomach. The lives of everyone in the Vault were relying on him. His friends, his family, the children, and all the elders lives were now at stake. His greatest hope had been that Vault 15 would contain the water chip that his home needed. Not that hope was gone. Vault 15 had been destroyed and no longer operational and nothing in its main control room was salvageable. Hoping that some scavenger or merchant out here may have a water chip wasn't going to cut it. Hi sonly hope now was to try and find the other Vaults that were in this area and hope there water chips were still intact. But the only problem was that he would have to try and find them. The landscape had changed so much, that their exact location wasn't known. But he had to start somewhere.

Ron glanced to the other side of the bed and saw that Kim was still asleep with the covers still keeping her modesty intact. He had many friends inside the Vault, but none of them were really like her. Her life had been a dangerous and hard one. But look at what she had done with it. She had accomplished so much and had learned so many things. She was a fighter and an adventurer the likes he had only read about. And out of everything she had been through and done, she still kept her heart intact. She was so – incredible. He never knew anyone like her.

Ron forced himself to look away and took a deep breath. If he kept comparing her life to his, he was going to start to feel like a heel because he had lived such a sheltered life inside the Vault. As gently as he could, Ron stepped out of the bed and walked toward his Vault uniform. He was about to put it back on when he stopped and thought about what everyone had been saying about him. What they had said did hurt some, but he was used to insults. He had learned a long time ago to let them roll off of his back. But what he thought of the most was how everyone said he stuck out so much while wearing his uniform. Putting the majority of it in his back pack, he found the other items he wanted. The old pair of jeans and the jacket they had found when they were inside the ruins of Vault 15. They had done their best to wash them on the way here, so they were as clean as they were going to be. Ron slipped on the clothes on slowly and fit the belt and holster around his waist before placing the gun in its place. Ron tried to use the small and somewhat dirty mirror in the room to get a look at himself and had to admit that the outfit wasn't that bad on him. He didn't have a shirt to wear under the jacket, so he had to use the upper half of his vault uniform. He just hoped he didn't stand out so much now.

'You clean up good, Ron.' He heard Kim say behind him. Ron turned to see that she had already had her shirt on and was slipping on her jeans. A good part of his brain was thankful that she was covered.

'Thanks. I thought it was time to blend in.' Ron said with his goofy smile. 'Wait a minute. How long have you been up?' he asked her.

'Long enough for me to know what you look like from the front and back now.' Kim said with a small smile.

'So, you said something about a store?' Ron said, hoping Kim couldn't see his blush in the low light.

'He should be opened by now. Come on, big boy.' Kim said as she finished dressing and took a quick look at Ron's crotch, making his blush increase.

Killian's General Store. It was short, sweet, and to the point. It looked now different than any of the other buildings in Junktown with only two exceptions. One was the large sign that hung on the front of the store. The other was that outside the store's entrance were two Junktown guards that kept their guns holstered, but; they looked ready for a fight at a moment's notice. The interior of the shop was nicer than what Ron had been expecting. Various shelves with various items that were arranged from various foods to weapons and supplies one would need while traveling the wastelands. Standing at one of the shelves, going over a list that was in his hand was Killian Darkwater himself.

Killian was fairly tall, almost six foot even. His hair was a shade of blonde that was so dark that it was almost brown. His skin wan tan from having spent so much time in the sun while he also had some slight beard growth around the lower half of his face. He wore a pair of jeans that were faded and on the brink of having several holes form while he wore a blue t-shirt and a strange vest that obviously had some sort of padding in it. He obviously wasn't that old, but his face and body had the ware and build from someone who had been raised in the wasteland. His dusty brown eyes finally glanced in Ron and Kim's direction and lowered the list he had been going over.

'Can I help you?' he asked them.

'It hasn't been that long, Killian.' Kim said as Killian began to chuckle.

'Like it's even possible I could ever forget a mane of red hair like yours. I might be getting old, but I'm not that old yet. What do you need this time, Kim? I've got a few guns and plenty of ammo this time.' He said.

'Actually, I'm trying to help out my friend here. Killian, this is Ron Stoppable. Ron, Killian Darkwater.' Kim said as she introduced the two.

'Nice to meet you.' Ron said as he and the older man shook hands with Killian firmly applying a generous amount of pressure. 'Nice grip.'

Fallout 4 slot machine customer profiling machine

'You can tell a lot about a man from the way he shakes hands. So, what are you looking for?' Killian asked.

'Do you happen to sell any technology?' Ron asked.

'That depends on what you're looking for. A couple of places all over the wastes have found way to get power again. We use wind generators. So are we talking about car parts, radio parts?'

'Vault dweller tech.' Ron said.

Killian raised an eyebrow and looked at Ron to see if there was any sign that he was joking. When Ron's face remained serious, Killian turned to Kim. 'Is he for real?'

'I'm afraid so.' Kim said.

'Son, what would you want with Vault dweller tech? We can't get any of the crap to work with what we got.' Killian said.

'I need a water purification chip for my Vault.' Ron said. That remark made Killian start to laugh and Ron groan to himself.

'Son, there haven't been any Vault dwellers seen around here for decades. I don't even think there any Vaults left around here.' Killian said. Ron turned around and lowered his jacket to reveal the bright blue shirt with the golden number thirteen printed on the back. As soon as Killian saw the shirt, he stopped laughing. 'That ain't old. That's new.' Killian said.

'Because it came from my Vault.' Ron said as he put the jacket back on.

'Holy shit. A real Vault dweller.' Killian said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. 'I have to admit that I'm surprised to see one of you. But, we don't carry anything like that around here.'

'Damn it.' Ron cursed under his breath.

'If you need water, you're best bet might be the Hub.' Killian said.

'Not the Water Merchants, Killian. They'll bleed him dry.' Kim said.

'Hold on. What water merchants?' Ron asked.

'Not all, but some of the tech around here still works. One bunch actually found a water purification plant and got it working again. They sell water to anyone who needs it, but they charge a king's ransom for it. You can find them a couple of miles South of here, in the Hub. It's the biggest trading center out here.'

'And the most crooked. You're never going to find a bigger hive of scum and villainy out here.' Kim said.

'You've seen Star Wars?' Ron asked her.

'What's Star Wars?' Kim asked, confused by his question.

'Never mind. Thanks for the information, Mr. Darkwater.' Ron said.

'I wish you luck, Ron. You're going to need it.' Killian said and went back to his inventory.

'We might as well re-stock on supplies while we're here. And if we're going to go to the Hub, you're going to need some body armor.' Kim said.

'The Hub is that bad?' Ron asked.

'Compared to the Hub, this place is as boring as Shady Sands.'

'Thanks for the warning.' Ron said as he heard the door to the store open. As Kim looked at a few various stimpacks, Ron looked up to see a drifter walk into the store with a slight limp. Like so many others, the clothes looked to be made out of recycled materials with a leather Brahman poncho covering him in case of sand storms or other weather difficulties. His face was broad but the skin of his face looked like it was made of worn tanned leather while a pair of large goggles kept his eyes covered. Ron couldn't figure out why, but there was just something about this guy that made Ron uneasy.

'Killian Darkwater?' the man asked.

'Who wants to know?' Killian asked, not looking up this time.

'Gizmo sends his regards.' The man said as he began to move his poncho back. In that instant, Ron saw that the man had a sawed off shotgun that hung around the man's shoulders by a strap of cloth. Ron's eyes went wide as his body moved on its owned as the man reached for it.

'GUN!' Ron shouted as loud as he could while he grabbed Kim by the waist and threw her behind another table while using his own body to cover her.

Killian quickly ducked for cover as the assassin grasped his shotgun and opened fire. Several wooden crates splintered as the buckshot barley missed Killian by mere inches. One of the armed guards outside quickly entered the store with his pistol in hand. Sadly, the assassin proved to be faster as he spun and sidestepped the area the guard was aiming and unloaded another round of buckshot. The buckshot struck the guard in the neck, making it look like his throat had been turned into shredded hamburger as blood began to both shower and spray all over the wooden walls and floor as he chocked on his own blood that began to fill his now destroyed windpipe. The other guard quickly knocked over a table and dove behind it as the assassin unloaded two more shots at the table, splintering and cracking the table's smooth wooden surface. Killian quickly rose from his corner, aimed, and took a quick shot with his pistol and saw it strike home in his attacker's knee, causing him to loose his balance. The assassin turned his attention back towards his attended target as he raised the shotgun and began to aim it. Killian was fixing to take another shot before he saw one side of the assassin's head explode like a ripe watermelon and saw bone and brains fly into the air before Killian's attacker stumbled and fell lifeless to the floor. Killian looked in the direction the shot had come from and saw Ron standing over Kim with a smoking pistol still in his hand and a look of disbelief on his face.

'Holy shit! Ron, did you just?' Kim asked him.

'I-I got him.' Ron said as he lowered the gun and tried to control his breathing.

'All clear!' Killian shouted as he and the other guard began to search the corpse of Killian's would-be murderer. 'Anything on him?'

'A small bag stuffed with caps. I'll give you three guesses where he got these.' The guard said.

'Gizmo. That fat fuck's gone too far this time.' Killian said as he wiped away the extra sweat that had gathered and looked back towards Ron. Kim was helping him stand up straight while it looked like Ron was doing his best not to throw up. Kid had been a virgin until now. It was easy to spot someone who never had to take a human life before. Kid just learned one of the rules of the wastelands. Kill or be killed out here.

'How's your friend doing?' Killian asked her.

'In all honesty? I think he's about ready to throw up.' Kim answered.

'You've got a place to stay?'

'For now.'

'Take him back there and help him out. I'll be there in a little bit to check on you two and get a statement.' Killian said.

'Sounds good. C'mon, Ron.' Kim said as she helped Ron out who seemed to look even paler the longer he looked at the corpse in front of him. Killian kept his eye on the duo until they left his shop. After they were gone, Killian looked down at the corpse and let out a disgruntled sigh before his spit in the hole Ron's gun created in the corpse's head.

It had been a few hours since the ordeal at Killian's General Store. The sun was beginning to set in the west and Ron was sipping on a bottle of Nuko-Cola Kim got from the woman at the front desk. Not too long after they came back to their room, Ron had vomited a fairly decent amount of the last meal they had and had taken a nap for a while. Kim could tell he had been having nightmares from the way he had been tossing and turning and wished she could help him. But this was a fact of life out here. You wanted to live then you had to do what you needed in order to survive. He was a nice guy and made her smile. Something nobody had really done in a while. Her last lover, Josh Mankey, disappeared when his caravan had been attacked. The reports on what attacked them didn't make any sense. Sadly, Josh had been one of the many caravan travelers that had either been captured or killed.

Kim finished off what was left of the soda to try and forget about Josh. He was dead and nothing would bring him back. Ron on the other hand was different. He was sweet and charming. It was very rare to meet someone like him out here. She liked spending time with him, she really did. But she also hoped to high heaven or any deity that watched over them that Ron found what he needed soon and go back to his Vault so he would never come back here. The wastelands wasn't a place where someone like him should be. And she was afraid that the longer he stayed out here, the more he would become like the rest of them. She silently promised herself that she wasn't going to let that happen if she could help it. When she heard a knock on the room door, Kim made sure Ron was still asleep when she went to answer it.

'Killian?' Kim asked as she opened the door a small crack.

'How's your friend holding up?'

'As well as can be expected. What are you doing here?' she asked him.

'I need his help.' Killian said.

'I don't like the sound of that, Killian.' Kim said.

'Look, things are starting to get worse. Gizmo's using his muscle to take over Junktown. My guards and myself are the only thing standing in his way.' He said.

'This wasn't the first hitter, was it?' Kim asked.

'I'm afraid not. Now they're taking shots at me out in the open. I need to take Gizmo out now, but I need someone he doesn't know. Since your friend can handle a gun, I figure he might be able to help me get the evidence I need to bring Gizmo down once and for all.' Killian said to Kim.

'Killian, he's not like us. He could get himself killed.' Kim said.

'Kim, please.' Killian said.

'I'll do it.' Ron said, making both Killian and Kim look towards the bed as Ron sat up. 'I'll do it. If it means doing the right thing, I'll do what ever I have to.'

'Are you sure you're up to this? You're going to have to act like killing someone is no bigger than swatting a fly.' Kim said to him.

Ron closed his eyes and kept his stomach under control as he remembered the shooter earlier that day. How cold he acted when he had tried to shoot Darkwater before Ron had blown his brains out. Ron took a very deep breath and let it out slowly as he opened his eyes and looked at the two in front of him. 'I can do it, KP. Just tell me what I have to do.'

Gizmo's Casino. The large sign practically screamed it with the large neon words in blood red as the sign rotated clockwise. All the way at on the other side of Junktown, where some of the more seedy and lower elements that dwelled in town chose to live. Ron could see several people hanging around the casino wearing various clothes but armed to the teeth with various guns, large knives, and even machetes. The only thing they all had in common was the tattoo of simple black skull that appeared either on an exposed area of their arms or on their face. They were swarming around the casino, a make shift boxing ring where several gathered spectators were cheering on a fight. Because the crowd was so thick with people, Ron couldn't see what the two fighters looked like or if they weren't just trying to kill each other. In the far back, Ron could several of the tattooed gangers hanging around a bar with a small lit sign that was called 'The Scum Pit.' Ron was walking into the lion's den and he had to have his wits about him. He took one more deep breath to try and calm himself before he moved in.

'Damn it, can't you just shoot the thing?'

'I don't have a gun, you idiot.'

'Then just throw a rock!'

'What if I miss?'

Ron looked to his right at one of the shabby ramshackle buildings that was considered a house in Junktown to see a man and a woman that roughly seemed to be middle aged as they stood and argued with each other. Curiosity getting the better of him, Ron went over to investigate. 'I don't mean to eavesdrop but I heard your argument. Is everything all right?'

'Stay out of this.' The man said.

'He's got a gun. He me might be able to help.'

'I can handle this.'

'You mean by doing nothing? Because that's what you've bee doing all day.'

'Excuse me?' Ron interrupted again. The woman gave the man a stern glare before he let out an exaggerated sigh and turned to Ron.

'We just bought this place. But it turns out that the guy who used to live here had a pet. A pet that ain't leaving until his owner gets back, and he got killed by a Radscorpion days ago!' the man said.

'What kind of pet is it? A dog?'

'I wish. The thing's a mutated mole rat.' The woman said.

Ron stepped forward and looked hard for an instance. He could see the large hairless creature sleeping in front of the door to the dwelling. Ron never had a pet because of his father's allergies and because the ones that were left alive in the Vault were rare, highly coveted, and documented. So Ron honestly didn't know what to do at that moment but didn't want to leave these people standing outside all night. So, Ron took a few steps forward to see what he could do. The Mole Rat immediately raised its head when it heard Ron's boots crunching against the rocks and dirt and stood to all fours. It began to growl as it protected its home, making Ron stop in his place.

'It's okay, buddy. I'm not going to hurt you.' Ron said as softly as he could, but loud enough for the creature to hear him. As the giant mole rat continued to look at Ron, it titled its head in curiosity and confusion. It slowly began to approach Ron as he stood perfectly still. Once it was close enough, the mole rat began to sniff around Ron's pockets until he reached the pouch that was attached to his belt. Once it's nose found that, it began to sniff like crazy and rub its nose against it like a dog that had just found food. 'I bet you're hungry. How long has it been since you've eaten?' Ron asked as he opened the pouch and pulled out a small item wrapped in silver foil. It was something he had brought with him from the Vault and wished he had more of. It was one of his favorite snacks. He unwrapped the silver foil and placed the food in his palm and lowered it to the mole rat's level.

'Cheese!' he could have sworn he heard the mole rat cry out after it sniffed the food morsel. Immediately, the creature gobbled up the piece of cheese and swallowed it. After what sounded like a contented sigh, the mole rat sat down and began to rub his head against Ron's leg as a gesture of friendship.

'Thanks, buddy.' The man cried out as he and the woman entered the house while he petted the creature's head. He always wanted a pet, and now it looked like he got finally had one. 'Wait until everyone in the Vault gets a look at you.' Ron said to himself with a chuckle. He then turned his attention back towards the Casino and remembered why he was there. 'I've got something dangerous I need to do. Are you up for it?' Ron asked. The Mole Rat stood to its four feet and looked ready to follow Ron anywhere. 'I'll take that as a yes.'

The inside of the Casino was sort of nice looking. Like everything in Junktown, it was built out of whatever could be found. But whoever had built this Casino obviously had vast knowledge in the realm of construction. Perfectly running lights kept the various rooms lit while various ceiling fans and open windows kept the inside as cool as they could get. In one corner was a massive bar where two men were serving drinks while everywhere else was crawling with various gambling games and devices. Along the walls were refurbished slot machines. There were also several poker, black jack, and baccarat tables with several people seated at them. The rattle of bottle caps could be heard everywhere as Ron scoped the place out. There was another door in the back that had two armored guards standing beside it with the black tattoo symbol on either side of their face. If he wanted to try and find Gizmo, then that blocked off area may be the place where he would have to start looking. To not attract attention any more attention, Ron walked to the bar and ordered a two Nuka Colas and a bowl. Once the bartender was paid and left Ron alone, he poured the soda into the bowl he asked for and set it on the ground and let the mole rat have his fill as he nursed on the second bottle. As he tried to figure out how he would get passed the guards and not cause a stir, the answer to his dilemma stepped through the door.

A massive crowd came in through the door that was cheering as they carried a pale woman with raven black hair and olive green eyes in the air. She was a bit scruffy and looked like she had been knocked around a bit. But she actually looked happy as a large smile was on her face. She wore a slightly dirty tank top and a pair of leather pants along with well used combat boots. When they reached the bar, a very large, balding fat man stepped out of the door. He was wearing an old button downed shirt with large sweat stains under his arms and a bright red tie around his neck and a very old worn pair of slacks that barley seemed able to button around his large stomach. He used a cane to walk towards the bar while he puffed on a large cigar while a tall black man in silver armor stayed closed to his with a dessert eagle holstered to his side. Once they were close to the woman, Gizmo smiled and revealed his yellow rotting teeth as he patted her on the back.

'That's my girl. Let's hear it for Shego; the toughest bitch in this territory. This is her twelfth win as our undefeated champion. In honor of her victory, the first two rounds of drinks are free!' Gizmo said and everyone in the casino cheered. The woman they were cheering and the rest of the gathered crowd began to huddle around the bar to get their free drinks while Ron kept his eyes on Gizmo. He noticed that the fat slug went skulking back into the guarded doorway and slammed it closed as soon as he and his bodyguard were in. Ron gulped down the last of his soda and belched out the gas that had gathered in his gut before he got up and walked toward the two armed guards.

'Can I help you with something?' one of the armored men said.

'Yeah. I need to talk to your boss about a job.' Ron said, hiding all trace of emotion from his face. The two men in front of him just laughed at him.

'You want a job? Why don't you go shovel shit out of the street?' one guard asked as he grabbed Ron by his jacket. As soon as he did, the large mole rat began to growl and bared its teeth and tensed every muscle in its body. 'What the hell is that?'

'Dude, ain't that the mole rat by Greg's old place?' the other guard asked.

'Can't be. Greg was the only one who could control that thing.'

'If you mean the shack just outside this place,' Ron said and pointed his thumb outside. 'That's exactly where he came from. He's with me now, and its obvious he doesn't really like someone trying to push me around.' Ron said as the mole rat growled even louder.

'Crap, man. I saw this thing take down two wild dogs and a raider in a minute flat. You don't want to know how fucked up they were after it was done with them.' The other guard said.

'Then I guess your friend better let me go before I tell my new friend here to rip his ball sack off.' Ron threatened with a hard glare. The bodyguard soon complied with Ron and backed himself up against the wall. 'Now about talking to your boss about a job.'

'The boss doesn't see anyone, man.' The guard said as he kept his eyes on the mole rat.

'Can you give him a message?'


'Tell him Darkwater is still alive. But I might be able to change that for a price.' Ron said.

'I'll tell him.' The guard on Ron's right said.

'No, I'll tell him. Just w-wait here.' The guard on the left said and slipped into the room as fast as he could. The mole rat stopped his growling as soon as the man was gone and was rewarded by Ron with a few strokes to the head and a scratch behind what Ron assumed to be its ear. It wasn't long until the guard came back out again. 'He'll see you.' The guard said and opened the door.

Ron and his new pet entered the office to see there wasn't that much. A few book shelves with several tattered books and notebooks. Several ceiling fans hung on the ceiling to keep the room cool as a few lights kept the room lit with light. Ron could see two doors to the right but kept his eyes focused on the fat man behind the desk with his bodyguard standing behind him with his hand on his weapon.

'You wanted to see me, so what do you want?'

'Your shooter screwed up this morning. Killian's still alive.' Ron said.

'Look here, you little prick.' Gizmo said as he snuffed out his cigar in an old ash tray. 'I'm a business man. And I don't appreciate some asshole accusing me of something that I don't know anything about.' Gizmo growled as he coughed up some flem from his throat without bothering to cover his mouth.

'Then let's just play pretend for a minute.' Ron said with a slight hint of sarcasm. 'Let's say you did hire someone to kill the local lawman. But he screwed up and ended up being worm food. So you need a new guy to finish the job.' Ron said.

Gizmo narrowed his bloodshot eyes at Ron for a minute before a low grumble came from his throat. He tapped his fingers against the desk for a moment as he looked Ron up and down before leaning back in his chair. The large man popped his neck and let out a large fart before looking at Ron again. 'Let me guess. You would be the guy I would supposedly need.'

'That's right.' Ron said.

'Just one problem, sport. I've never seen you around here before. How do I know you're working for that asshole Darkwater?' Gizmo asked.

Fallout 4 Slot Machine Customer Profiling Against

'You don't. But I need money and you need someone to do your dirty water without it leading back to you. Am I right?' Ron asked.

Gizmo jut sat and looked at Ron for a moments or two. He didn't know how he did it, but Ron had somehow kept himself cool and his face emotionless during the stare down. After what felt like a few endless hours; Gizmo reached into his desk and pulled out a large cigar. He bit off one end and used a rusted out metal lighter to light it. After taking a deep breath and blowing the smoke in Ron's face, Gizmo began to smile.

'All right. I'll pay you as soon as the job's done. Bring me back the dog tags that he wears as proof.' Gizmo said.

'He'll be dead before you know it.' Ron said as he turned and began to leave. 'Out of curiosity, why do you want the guy dead?'

'That's simple. He cramps my business.' Gizmo said.

'Fair enough. He'll be dead before you can spit.' Ron said and left the office.

'He better. Because nobody double crosses me. Nobody.'

Both Kim and Killian sat anxiously inside his general store as they waited for Ron to return. Killian had pulled out an old deck of cards his father gave him when he was a kid in order to keep themselves occupied. So for almost an hour they had been playing Five Card Draw and with Killian winning almost every hand. Whenever anyone asked how he had been winning so much, he simply said it was all part of skill and luck. The actual truth was that Killian's father had been a professional gambler and when Killian was only six years old, he had taught Killian how to successfully cheat at cards and not get noticed. So it didn't matter what kind of card game Killian was playing. Texas Hold 'Em, Five Card Draw, or even Blackjack to Old Maid, Killian knew just what to do to get the odds in his favor and leave more than one of his opponents slightly poorer than they had been before the game had started. So far, it seemed the old tricks were still working since he had relieved Kim of about a handful of caps and one stimpack. When Ron finally stepped through the door and was unscathed, Kim let out a large sigh of relief.

'How did it go?' Kim asked him.

'I've got the lard butt's confession.' Ron sad as he raised his hand and revealed the small tape recorder Killian had given him earlier. With a small push of his thumb, Killian and Kimberly heard Ron's conversation with Gizmo in full.

'I've been waiting to hear that for years.' Killian said.

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Slot machine
Used forSlots
Base ID00000465
Message fileGOODSLOT.MSGFallout
NcSlots.msgFallout 2

A slot machine or simply slots is a casino gambling machine with three or more reels which spin when a button is pushed. Slot machines are also known as one-armed bandits because they were originally operated by a lever on the side of the machine (the one arm) instead of a button on the front panel, and because of their ability to leave the gamer penniless. They appear in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas its add-onDead Money, the Fallout 4add-onVault-Tec Workshop, and Fallout 76 in Vault 51.

Fallout 4 Slot Machine

Slots can be played via dialogue in Fallout and Fallout 2. In Fallout 1 some slots are nuclear war themed and to win 3 nukes are required. Low intelligence characters cannot play slots, as they confuse the machine with a toy or another NPC.


Bets can range from 1 - 200 chips. Chips must be purchased from the casino cashier being frequented.Note that if you are having trouble finding the cashier look for a person behind a barred counter.


Fallout 4 Slot Machine Customer Profiling Tool

Payouts are calculated by the bet amount and the payout multiplier.

SymbolPayout Multiplier
Bet x 2
Bet x 5
Bet x 10
Bet x 10
Bet x 20
Bet x 30
Bet x 40
Bet x 60
Bet x 100
Hidden/No-Win Symbol

Players should be aware that there is an additional no-win symbol on the reels that is not mentioned by the game. Players not familiar with slot machines may wonder why the symbols do not always line up. This is due to the fact that the divider 'line' in between the mentioned symbols is also a symbol. If one of the 'lines' falls in between the indicator arrows on the slot machine then the only way for a player to win any money is with Cherry symbols.


Slots can only be played at the following locations:




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